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RACProvider Viewset


Path Parameters

    id integerrequired

    A unique integer value identifying this RAC Provider.



    name stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    authentication_flow uuidnullable

    Flow used for authentication when the associated application is accessed by an un-authenticated user.

    authorization_flow uuidrequired

    Flow used when authorizing this provider.

    property_mappings uuid[]
    connection_expiry string

    Possible values: non-empty

    Determines how long a session lasts. Default of 0 means that the sessions lasts until the browser is closed. (Format: hours=-1;minutes=-2;seconds=-3)

    delete_token_on_disconnect boolean

    When set to true, connection tokens will be deleted upon disconnect.



    pk ID (integer)required
    name stringrequired
    authentication_flow uuidnullable

    Flow used for authentication when the associated application is accessed by an un-authenticated user.

    authorization_flow uuidrequired

    Flow used when authorizing this provider.

    property_mappings uuid[]
    component stringrequired

    Get object component so that we know how to edit the object

    assigned_application_slug stringrequired

    Internal application name, used in URLs.

    assigned_application_name stringrequired

    Application's display Name.

    assigned_backchannel_application_slug stringrequired

    Internal application name, used in URLs.

    assigned_backchannel_application_name stringrequired

    Application's display Name.

    verbose_name stringrequired

    Return object's verbose_name

    verbose_name_plural stringrequired

    Return object's plural verbose_name

    meta_model_name stringrequired

    Return internal model name

    outpost_set string[]required
    connection_expiry string

    Determines how long a session lasts. Default of 0 means that the sessions lasts until the browser is closed. (Format: hours=-1;minutes=-2;seconds=-3)

    delete_token_on_disconnect boolean

    When set to true, connection tokens will be deleted upon disconnect.
