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EmailStage Viewset


Query Parameters

    activate_user_on_success boolean
    from_address string
    host string
    name string
    ordering string

    Which field to use when ordering the results.

    page integer

    A page number within the paginated result set.

    page_size integer

    Number of results to return per page.

    port integer
    search string

    A search term.

    subject string
    template string
    timeout integer
    token_expiry integer
    use_global_settings boolean
    use_ssl boolean
    use_tls boolean
    username string






    next numberrequired
    previous numberrequired
    count numberrequired
    current numberrequired
    total_pages numberrequired
    start_index numberrequired
    end_index numberrequired




  • Array [

  • pk uuidrequired
    name stringrequired
    component stringrequired

    Get object type so that we know how to edit the object

    verbose_name stringrequired

    Return object's verbose_name

    verbose_name_plural stringrequired

    Return object's plural verbose_name

    meta_model_name stringrequired

    Return internal model name



  • Array [

  • pk uuidrequired
    policybindingmodel_ptr_id uuidrequired
    name stringrequired
    slug stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 50 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$

    Visible in the URL.

    title stringrequired

    Shown as the Title in Flow pages.

    designation FlowDesignationEnum (string)required

    Possible values: [authentication, authorization, invalidation, enrollment, unenrollment, recovery, stage_configuration]

    background stringrequired

    Get the URL to the background image. If the name is /static or starts with http it is returned as-is

    policy_engine_mode PolicyEngineMode (string)

    Possible values: [all, any]

    compatibility_mode boolean

    Enable compatibility mode, increases compatibility with password managers on mobile devices.

    export_url stringrequired

    Get export URL for flow

    layout FlowLayoutEnum (string)

    Possible values: [stacked, content_left, content_right, sidebar_left, sidebar_right]

    denied_action DeniedActionEnum (string)

    Possible values: [message_continue, message, continue]

  • ]

  • use_global_settings boolean

    When enabled, global Email connection settings will be used and connection settings below will be ignored.

    host string
    port integer

    Possible values: >= -2147483648 and <= 2147483647

    username string
    use_tls boolean
    use_ssl boolean
    timeout integer

    Possible values: >= -2147483648 and <= 2147483647

    from_address email

    Possible values: <= 254 characters

    token_expiry integer

    Possible values: >= -2147483648 and <= 2147483647

    Time in minutes the token sent is valid.

    subject string
    template string
    activate_user_on_success boolean

    Activate users upon completion of stage.

  • ]
