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Release 2024.2


  • Remote Access Control Enterprise Access machines over RDP, SSH, and VNC from authentik

  • Audit logging Enterprise See what fields were changed when objects are updated

  • Session location and network binding Increase security by preventing session theft

  • Wizard to simplify creating applications and providers

Breaking changes

Manual action is required

  • Tenants have been renamed to brands

    Tenants, which were previously used to change branding configuration, default flows, and several other settings have been renamed to brands. The term "Brands" more accurately reflect their usage; to configure branding, logos, colors, and overall login flow behavior.

    Existing tenant objects will automatically be renamed to brand objects. The API endpoints associated with brands have also been renamed.

    Blueprints using authentik_tenants.tenant will need to be changed to use authentik_brands.brand.

    For more information, refer to the documentation for brands.

    Also, the event retention settings configured in brands (previously tenants, see above) has been removed and is now a system setting, managed in the Admin interface or via the API (see below).

    There is no built-in migration path for this change. If you set something other than the default (days=365), you will need to update the setting in the admin interface.

  • Helm chart breaking changes

    The Helm Chart has a number of breaking changes. Find out more in the chart release notes.

Manual action may be required

  • Required offline_access scope for Refresh tokens

    The OAuth2 provider ships with a new default scope called offline_access, which must be requested by applications that need a refresh token. Previously, authentik would always issue a refresh token for the Authorization code and Device code OAuth grants.

    Applications that require a refresh token will need their configuration to be updated to include the offline_access scope mapping.

  • Database requirement changes

    authentik now uses PostgreSQL schemas other than public.

    If you have a custom PostgreSQL deployment, please ensure that the authentik user is allowed to create schemas. Usually, if the authentik user is owner of the database, it already can.

  • Redis and cache configuration options have been improved

    Thank you @PKizzle for this contribution!

    Cache settings have been moved from the redis top-level config key to their own cache top-level config key.

    Settings have also been added to configure the Redis instance/database used for tasks and websockets separately from cache. See here.

    Typically, no changes to the configuration are required.

  • Configuration options migrated to the Admin interface

    The following config options have been moved from the config file and can now be set using the Admin interface (under System -> Settings) or the API:


    When upgrading to 2024.2, the currently configured options will be automatically migrated to the database, and can be removed from the .env or helm values file afterwards.

  • Icons are now in a public/ subfolder

    If your media folder is /media, icons are now stored in /media/public. authentik will automatically migrate the icons upon upgrading.

    Note that even though that folder is named public, the files stored here are not automatically public. This is due to the naming of the default PostgreSQL schema.

  • User sessions will be invalidated after this upgrade.

    As such, users will need to log back in. Immediately after the upgrade completes, users are logged out automatically and are then prompted to log in again. This only occurs once.

  • Removal of deprecated metrics

    These metrics were renamed because they did not adhere to Prometheus best practices. The old metrics were kept for backwards compatibility and have now been removed.

    • authentik_outpost_flow_timing_get -> authentik_outpost_flow_timing_get_seconds
    • authentik_outpost_flow_timing_post -> authentik_outpost_flow_timing_post_seconds
    • authentik_outpost_ldap_requests -> authentik_outpost_ldap_request_duration_seconds
    • authentik_outpost_ldap_requests_rejected -> authentik_outpost_ldap_requests_rejected_total
    • authentik_outpost_proxy_requests -> authentik_outpost_proxy_request_duration_seconds
    • authentik_outpost_proxy_upstream_time -> authentik_outpost_proxy_upstream_response_duration_seconds
    • authentik_outpost_radius_requests -> authentik_outpost_radius_request_duration_seconds
    • authentik_outpost_radius_requests_rejected -> authentik_outpost_radius_requests_rejected_total
    • authentik_main_requests -> authentik_main_request_duration_seconds
  • The shorthand parameter for --stage, -s for the ak test_email command has been changed to -S

New features

  • New provider: Remote Access Control Enterprise

    The Remote Access Control provider allows you to remotely connect to remote machines over RDP, SSH and VNC through authentik. As such, you can use the same policy engine and customization options that are possible with other providers using the same user and admin interface.

  • Audit logging Enterprise

    authentik instances that have a valid enterprise license installed will log any changes made to models, including which fields were changed with previous and new values of the fields. The values are censored if they are sensitive (for example a password hash), however a hash of the changed value will still be logged.

  • Session location and network binding

    Sessions for any users can now be bound to a specific geolocation (Continent, Country, City) or network (Autonomous System, subnet, IP address). If the session is accessed from a location/network that is different than that from which it was initially created, the session will be terminated.

    Configuration steps are available here.

  • S3 file storage

    Media files can now be stored on S3. Follow the setup guide to get started.

  • Pretend user exists option for Identification stage

    Previously the Identification stage would only continue if a user matching the user identifier exists. While this was the intended functionality, this release adds an option to continue to the next stage even if no matching user was found. "Pretend" users cannot authenticate nor receive emails, and don't exist in the database.

    This feature is enabled by default.

UX features

  • Simplified workflow for creating applications and providers

    Applications and providers can now be created at the same time using the Application Wizard, found on the Applications -> Applications page of the Admin interface. The new wizard removes the previous requirement of first creating the provider, then the application, and then manually linking the two together.

  • Ability to select more than 20 providers in an outpost

    We have introduced a new way of selecting providers in the outpost configuration form, which allows for more than 20 providers to be selected for a single outpost.

    This dual-list multiselect prompt is only available for outposts for now, but we plan on extending it to other forms.

  • Attribute preview per user

    You can now preview attributes transmitted to SAML and OAuth applications for a specific user.

  • Display applications a user has access to

    An administrator can now see all applications a user has access to on the user's page in the Admin interface.

Other noteworthy features

  • New graph for event volume

    In the Events -> Log page in the Admin interface, you can see a graph of the event volume matching the search query over the last 7 days.

  • Flows can now be restricted to outposts

    You can now restrict a flow to be used only by an outpost using the Require Outpost setting on the flow. This would mainly be used for LDAP flows.

  • System tasks improvements

    You can now search through system tasks. We have also improved the task duration calculation and display.

  • LDAP provider: allow overriding gidNumber

    Previously, the gidNumber attribute on a user was set to the same as uidNumber. You can now override this behaviour.

  • LDAP source: new command to check connectivity

    Examples on how to use are available here.


This release does not introduce any new requirements, but contains some breaking changes, see above.


To upgrade, download the new docker-compose file and update the Docker stack with the new version, using these commands:

wget -O docker-compose.yml
docker compose up -d

The -O flag retains the downloaded file's name, overwriting any existing local file with the same name.


Upgrade the Helm Chart to the new version, using the following commands:

helm repo update
helm upgrade authentik authentik/authentik -f values.yaml --version ^2024.2

Minor changes/fixes

  • blueprints: improve file change handler (#7813)
  • blueprints: only watch for fs events we're interested in (#7810)
  • core: fix PropertyMapping context not being available in request context
  • core: fix pagination in applications list being ignored (#8512)
  • core: fix worker beat toggle inverted (#7508)
  • core: optimise user list endpoint (#8353)
  • core: show all applications a user can access in admin interface (#8343)
  • core: use correct .evaluate implementation for testing PropertyMappings (#8459)
  • core: use correct .evaluate implementation for testing PropertyMappings (#8459)
  • enterprise/providers/rac: add alert that enterprise is required for RAC (#8057)
  • enterprise/providers/rac: add option to limit concurrent connections to endpoint (#8053)
  • enterprise/providers/rac: connection token management (#8467)
  • enterprise/providers/rac: create authorize_application event when creating token (#8050)
  • enterprise/providers/rac: fix maximum_connections set to -1 not being effective (#8456)
  • enterprise/providers/rac: fix maximum_connections set to -1 not being effective (#8456)
  • enterprise/providers: Add RAC (#7291)
  • enterprise: add full audit log (#8177)
  • enterprise: fix system task missing set_status (#8455)
  • enterprise: rework license summary caching (#8501)
  • enterrpise: exclude inactive users from license (#8294)
  • events: add ASN Database reader (#7793)
  • events: add better fallback for sanitize_item to ensure everything can be saved as JSON (#7694)
  • events: add graph for event volume (#7639)
  • events: fix SystemTask timestamps and scheduling (#8435)
  • events: include user agent in events (#7693)
  • events: migrate SystemTasks to DB (#8159)
  • flows: add "require outpost" authentication_requirement (#7921)
  • internal: remove deprecated metrics (#7540)
  • internal: remove special route for / (#7539)
  • outposts/ldap: allow overriding gidNumber for a user (#8003)
  • outposts/ldap: avoid nil ptr deref in MemorySearcher (#7767)
  • outposts/proxy: better Redis error message (#8044)
  • outposts: disable deployment and secret reconciler for embedded outpost in code instead of in config (#8021)(#8024)
  • outposts: fix Outpost reconcile not re-assigning managed attribute (#8014)
  • providers/oauth2: fix CVE-2024-21637 (#8104)
  • providers/oauth2: fix missing nonce in id_token (#8072)
  • providers/oauth2: fix missing nonce in token endpoint not being saved (#8073)
  • providers/oauth2: offline access (#8026)
  • providers/oauth2: remember session_id from initial token (#7976)
  • providers/oauth2: set auth_via for token and other endpoints (#7417)
  • providers/proxy: Fix duplicate cookies when using file system store. (#7541)
  • providers/proxy: fix closed redis client (#7385)
  • providers/proxy: use access token (#8022)
  • providers/rac: fix property mapping without enterprise (#8144)
  • providers/scim: change familyName default (#7904)
  • providers/scim: fix missing schemas attribute for User and Group (#7477)
  • providers/scim: set timeout based on page and page count (#7941)
  • providers/scim: use lock for sync (#7948)
  • providers: allow previewing mappings for other users (#8297)
  • rbac: fix error when looking up permissions for now uninstalled apps (#8068)
  • rbac: fix invitations listing with restricted permissions (#8227)
  • root: Multi-tenancy (#7590)
  • root: Restructure broker / cache / channel / result configuration (#7097)
  • root: bump python deps (django 5) (#7862)
  • root: fix listen trusted_proxy_cidrs config loading from environment (#8075)
  • root: fix redis config not being updated to match previous change
  • root: fix system check warnings (#8277)
  • root: include ca-certificates in container (#7763)
  • root: make test database name configurable (#7591)
  • root: simplify task signal imports (#8454)
  • security: fix CVE-2023-48228 (#7666)
  • security: fix CVE-2024-23647 (#8345)
  • sources/ldap: add check command to verify ldap connectivity (#7263)
  • sources/ldap: clean-up certs written from db (#7617)
  • sources/ldap: fix Issue with changing passwords with eDirectory (#7997)
  • sources/oauth: fix OAuth source type serializer (#8140)
  • sources/oauth: fix URLs being overwritten by OIDC urls (#8147)
  • sources/oauth: fix azure_ad user_id and add test and fallback (#8146)
  • sources/oauth: fix missing get_user_id for OIDC-like sources (Azure AD) (#7970)
  • sources/oauth: fix patreon (#7454)
  • sources/oauth: revert azure_ad profile URL change (#8139)
  • stages/authenticator_totp: fix API validation error due to choices (#7608)
  • stages/authenticator_validate: fix error when using pretend_user (#8447)
  • stages/authenticator_validate: fix error when using pretend_user (#8447)
  • stages/authenticator_validate: use friendly_name for stage selector when enrolling (#8255)
  • stages/email: fix duplicate querystring encoding (#7386)
  • stages/email: improve error handling for incorrect template syntax (#7758)
  • stages/email: prevent authentik emails from being marked as spam (also add text template support) (#7949)
  • stages/email: use uuid for email confirmation token instead of username (#7581)
  • stages/identification: add option to pretend user exists (#7610)
  • stages/user_login: only set last_ip in session if a binding is given (#8074)
  • stages/user_login: session binding (#7881)
  • web/admin: add RAC Provider to the list of providers understood by the wizard (#8149)
  • web/admin: always show oidc well-known URL fields when they're set (#7560)
  • web/admin: contextually add user to group when creating user from group page (#7586)
  • web/admin: fix admins not able to delete MFA devices (#7660)
  • web/admin: fix chart label on dashboard user page (#7434)
  • web/admin: fix footer links not being parsed on settings page (#8289)
  • web/admin: fix html error on oauth2 provider page (#7384)
  • web/admin: fix incorrectly encoded chars in translation (#7580)
  • web/admin: hide expiry time if item is set to not expire (#8457)
  • web/admin: hide expiry time if item is set to not expire (#8457)
  • web/admin: revamped rbac and user settings tabs (#8299)
  • web/admin: revise wizard form handling (#7331)
  • web/admin: show connected services on user view page, fix styling (#8416)
  • web/components: improve error handling in ak-search-select (#8228)
  • web/elements: keep selected elements in table when fetching (#7519)
  • web/flows: attempt to fix bitwareden android compatibility (#7455)
  • web/flows: don't auto-redirect to first source when passwordless is configured (#7579)
  • web/flows: fix device picker incorrect foreground color (#8067)
  • web/flows: fix icon for generic oauth source with dark theme (#8148)
  • web/flows: fix logo height (#7834)
  • web/flows: show logo in card (#7824)
  • web/flows: use aria-invalid attribute to better show invalid input fields (#7661)
  • web/user: fix search not updating selected app in user interface (#7825)
  • web: clear "blanked" placeholder when present (#15) (#5948)
  • web: clear out selecteds list after an API event to ensure a fresh copy of the policies-to-delete list (#8125)
  • web: dark/light theme fixes (#7872)
  • web: fix broken backchannel selector (#7480)
  • web: fix labels on group view page (#7677)
  • web: fix overflow glitch on ak-page-header (#7883)
  • web: provide dual-list multiselect with pagination (#8004)

Fixed in 2024.2.1

  • brands: fix context processor when request doesn't have a tenant (cherry-pick #8643) (#8646)
  • ci: fix missing tags from release (cherry-pick #8645) (#8647)
  • core: bump cbor2 from 5.5.1 to 5.6.2 (#8607)
  • core: bump cryptography from 42.0.0 to 42.0.2 (#8553)
  • core: bump cryptography from 42.0.2 to 42.0.4 (#8629)
  • events: sanitize args and kwargs saved in system tasks (cherry-pick #8644) (#8648)
  • stages/authenticator_validate: fix error with get_webauthn_challenge_without_user (cherry-pick #8625) (#8626)

Fixed in 2024.2.2

  • core: fix blueprint export (cherry-pick #8695) (#8696)
  • enterprise: fix read_only activating when no license is installed (cherry-pick #8697) (#8698)
  • enterprise: force license usage update after change to license (cherry-pick #8723) (#8725)
  • flows: fix mismatched redirect behaviour for invalid and valid flows (cherry-pick #8794) (#8796)
  • providers/oauth2: fix inconsistent sub value when setting via mapping (cherry-pick #8677) (#8682)
  • providers/oauth2: fix offline_access requests when prompt doesn't include consent (cherry-pick #8731) (#8732)
  • providers/oauth2: fix validation ordering (cherry-pick #8793) (#8795)
  • root: ensure consistent install_id (cherry-pick #8775) (#8776)
  • root: fix container build (cherry-pick #8727) (#8728)
  • stages/authenticator_webauthn: fix error when enrolling new device (cherry-pick #8738) (#8740)
  • web/admin: don't mark property mappings as required anywhere (cherry-pick #8752) (#8755)
  • web/admin: don't mark remaining property mappings as required (cherry-pick #8772) (#8773)

Fixed in 2024.2.3

  • api: capabilities: properly set can_save_media when s3 is enabled (cherry-pick #8896) (#8897)
  • enterprise: only check for valid license existing for creating Enterprise objects (cherry-pick #8813) (#8822)
  • enterprise/rac: fix connection token management (cherry-pick #8909) (#8912)
  • events: discard notification if user has empty email (cherry-pick #8938) (#8951)
  • events: fix incorrect user logged when using API token authentication (#9302)
  • lifecycle: migrate: ensure template schema exists before migrating (cherry-pick #8952) (#9022)
  • stages/email: Disable autoescape for text templates (cherry-pick #8812) (#8824)
  • stages/email: fix issue when sending emails to users with same display as email (cherry-pick #8850) (#8852)
  • stages/user_write: ensure user data is json-serializable (cherry-pick #8926) (#8928)
  • tenants: really ensure default tenant cannot be deleted (cherry-pick #8875) (#8876)

Fixed in 2024.2.4

API Changes

What's New

GET /admin/settings/
PUT /admin/settings/
PATCH /admin/settings/
GET /core/brands/
POST /core/brands/
GET /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/
PUT /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/
DELETE /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/
PATCH /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/
GET /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/used_by/
GET /core/brands/current/
GET /events/events/volume/
GET /events/system_tasks/
GET /events/system_tasks/{uuid}/
POST /events/system_tasks/{uuid}/run/
GET /propertymappings/rac/
POST /propertymappings/rac/
GET /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/
PUT /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/
DELETE /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/
PATCH /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/
GET /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/used_by/
GET /providers/rac/
POST /providers/rac/
GET /providers/rac/{id}/
PUT /providers/rac/{id}/
DELETE /providers/rac/{id}/
PATCH /providers/rac/{id}/
GET /providers/rac/{id}/used_by/
GET /rac/connection_tokens/
GET /rac/connection_tokens/{connection_token_uuid}/
PUT /rac/connection_tokens/{connection_token_uuid}/
DELETE /rac/connection_tokens/{connection_token_uuid}/
PATCH /rac/connection_tokens/{connection_token_uuid}/
GET /rac/connection_tokens/{connection_token_uuid}/used_by/
GET /rac/endpoints/
POST /rac/endpoints/
GET /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/
PUT /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/
DELETE /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/
PATCH /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/
GET /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/used_by/

What's Deleted

GET /admin/system_tasks/
GET /admin/system_tasks/{id}/
POST /admin/system_tasks/{id}/retry/

What's Changed

GET /admin/system/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • brand
    • embedded_outpost_disabled

    New optional properties:

    • tenant

    • Added property brand (string)

      Currently active brand

    • Added property embedded_outpost_disabled (boolean)

      Whether the embedded outpost is disabled

    • Deleted property tenant (string)

      Currently active tenant

POST /admin/system/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • brand
    • embedded_outpost_disabled

    New optional properties:

    • tenant

    • Added property brand (string)

      Currently active brand

    • Added property embedded_outpost_disabled (boolean)

      Whether the embedded outpost is disabled

    • Deleted property tenant (string)

      Currently active tenant

GET /core/applications/{slug}/check_access/
Return Type:

Deleted response : 404 Not Found

for_user user not found

GET /core/authenticated_sessions/{uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • asn

    • Added property asn (object)

      Get ASN Data

      • Property asn (integer)

      • Property as_org (string)

      • Property network (string)

    • Changed property geo_ip (object)

      Get GeoIP Data

GET /events/events/actions/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > Types of an object that can be created

    • Added property requires_enterprise (boolean)
GET /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

    • Changed property metadata (object -> object)

PUT /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property context (object -> object)
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

    • Changed property metadata (object -> object)

PATCH /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property context (object -> object)
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

    • Changed property metadata (object -> object)

POST /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/apply/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

    • Changed property metadata (object -> object)

GET /outposts/service_connections/all/types/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > Types of an object that can be created

    • Added property requires_enterprise (boolean)
GET /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/{uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property kubeconfig (object -> object)

      Paste your kubeconfig here. authentik will automatically use the currently selected context.

PUT /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/{uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property kubeconfig (object -> object)

    Paste your kubeconfig here. authentik will automatically use the currently selected context.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property kubeconfig (object -> object)

      Paste your kubeconfig here. authentik will automatically use the currently selected context.

PATCH /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/{uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property kubeconfig (object -> object)

    Paste your kubeconfig here. authentik will automatically use the currently selected context.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property kubeconfig (object -> object)

      Paste your kubeconfig here. authentik will automatically use the currently selected context.

GET /policies/all/types/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > Types of an object that can be created

    • Added property requires_enterprise (boolean)
GET /policies/event_matcher/{policy_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property app (string)

      • authentik.tenants - authentik Tenants
      • authentik.admin - authentik Admin
      • authentik.api - authentik API
      • authentik.crypto - authentik Crypto
      • authentik.flows - authentik Flows
      • authentik.outposts - authentik Outpost
      • authentik.policies.dummy - authentik Policies.Dummy
      • authentik.policies.event_matcher - authentik Policies.Event Matcher
      • authentik.policies.expiry - authentik Policies.Expiry
      • authentik.policies.expression - authentik Policies.Expression
      • authentik.policies.password - authentik Policies.Password
      • authentik.policies.reputation - authentik Policies.Reputation
      • authentik.policies - authentik Policies
      • authentik.providers.ldap - authentik Providers.LDAP
      • authentik.providers.oauth2 - authentik Providers.OAuth2
      • authentik.providers.proxy - authentik Providers.Proxy
      • authentik.providers.radius - authentik Providers.Radius
      • authentik.providers.saml - authentik Providers.SAML
      • authentik.providers.scim - authentik Providers.SCIM
      • authentik.rbac - authentik RBAC
      • authentik.recovery - authentik Recovery
      • authentik.sources.ldap - authentik Sources.LDAP
      • authentik.sources.oauth - authentik Sources.OAuth
      • authentik.sources.plex - authentik Sources.Plex
      • authentik.sources.saml - authentik Sources.SAML
      • authentik.stages.authenticator - authentik Stages.Authenticator
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_duo - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Duo
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_sms - authentik Stages.Authenticator.SMS
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_static - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Static
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_totp - authentik Stages.Authenticator.TOTP
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_validate - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Validate
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_webauthn - authentik Stages.Authenticator.WebAuthn
      • authentik.stages.captcha - authentik Stages.Captcha
      • authentik.stages.consent - authentik Stages.Consent
      • authentik.stages.deny - authentik Stages.Deny
      • authentik.stages.dummy - authentik Stages.Dummy
      • - authentik Stages.Email
      • authentik.stages.identification - authentik Stages.Identification
      • authentik.stages.invitation - authentik Stages.User Invitation
      • authentik.stages.password - authentik Stages.Password
      • authentik.stages.prompt - authentik Stages.Prompt
      • authentik.stages.user_delete - authentik Stages.User Delete
      • authentik.stages.user_login - authentik Stages.User Login
      • authentik.stages.user_logout - authentik Stages.User Logout
      • authentik.stages.user_write - authentik Stages.User Write
      • authentik.brands - authentik Brands
      • authentik.blueprints - authentik Blueprints
      • authentik.core - authentik Core
      • authentik.enterprise - authentik Enterprise
      • authentik.enterprise.audit - authentik Enterprise.Audit
      • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac - authentik Enterprise.Providers.RAC
      • - authentik Events

      Added enum values:

      • authentik.brands
      • authentik.enterprise.audit
      • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac
    • Changed property model (string)

      • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
      • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
      • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
      • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
      • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
      • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
      • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
      • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
      • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
      • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
      • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
      • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
      • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
      • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
      • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
      • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
      • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
      • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
      • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
      • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
      • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
      • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
      • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
      • authentik_rbac.role - Role
      • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
      • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
      • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
      • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
      • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
      • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
      • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
      • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
      • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
      • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
      • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
      • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
      • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
      • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
      • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
      • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
      • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
      • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
      • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
      • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
      • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
      • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
      • - Group
      • authentik_core.user - User
      • authentik_core.application - Application
      • authentik_core.token - Token
      • authentik_enterprise.license - License
      • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
      • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
      • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
      • authentik_events.event - Event
      • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
      • authentik_events.notification - Notification
      • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
      • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

      Added enum values:

      • authentik_tenants.domain

      • authentik_brands.brand

      • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

      • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

      • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

      • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

      • authentik_tenants.tenant

PUT /policies/event_matcher/{policy_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property app (string)

    • authentik.tenants - authentik Tenants
    • authentik.admin - authentik Admin
    • authentik.api - authentik API
    • authentik.crypto - authentik Crypto
    • authentik.flows - authentik Flows
    • authentik.outposts - authentik Outpost
    • authentik.policies.dummy - authentik Policies.Dummy
    • authentik.policies.event_matcher - authentik Policies.Event Matcher
    • authentik.policies.expiry - authentik Policies.Expiry
    • authentik.policies.expression - authentik Policies.Expression
    • authentik.policies.password - authentik Policies.Password
    • authentik.policies.reputation - authentik Policies.Reputation
    • authentik.policies - authentik Policies
    • authentik.providers.ldap - authentik Providers.LDAP
    • authentik.providers.oauth2 - authentik Providers.OAuth2
    • authentik.providers.proxy - authentik Providers.Proxy
    • authentik.providers.radius - authentik Providers.Radius
    • authentik.providers.saml - authentik Providers.SAML
    • authentik.providers.scim - authentik Providers.SCIM
    • authentik.rbac - authentik RBAC
    • authentik.recovery - authentik Recovery
    • authentik.sources.ldap - authentik Sources.LDAP
    • authentik.sources.oauth - authentik Sources.OAuth
    • authentik.sources.plex - authentik Sources.Plex
    • authentik.sources.saml - authentik Sources.SAML
    • authentik.stages.authenticator - authentik Stages.Authenticator
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_duo - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Duo
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_sms - authentik Stages.Authenticator.SMS
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_static - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Static
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_totp - authentik Stages.Authenticator.TOTP
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_validate - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Validate
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_webauthn - authentik Stages.Authenticator.WebAuthn
    • authentik.stages.captcha - authentik Stages.Captcha
    • authentik.stages.consent - authentik Stages.Consent
    • authentik.stages.deny - authentik Stages.Deny
    • authentik.stages.dummy - authentik Stages.Dummy
    • - authentik Stages.Email
    • authentik.stages.identification - authentik Stages.Identification
    • authentik.stages.invitation - authentik Stages.User Invitation
    • authentik.stages.password - authentik Stages.Password
    • authentik.stages.prompt - authentik Stages.Prompt
    • authentik.stages.user_delete - authentik Stages.User Delete
    • authentik.stages.user_login - authentik Stages.User Login
    • authentik.stages.user_logout - authentik Stages.User Logout
    • authentik.stages.user_write - authentik Stages.User Write
    • authentik.brands - authentik Brands
    • authentik.blueprints - authentik Blueprints
    • authentik.core - authentik Core
    • authentik.enterprise - authentik Enterprise
    • authentik.enterprise.audit - authentik Enterprise.Audit
    • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac - authentik Enterprise.Providers.RAC
    • - authentik Events

    Added enum values:

    • authentik.brands
    • authentik.enterprise.audit
    • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac
  • Changed property model (string)

    • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
    • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
    • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
    • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
    • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
    • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
    • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
    • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
    • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
    • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
    • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
    • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
    • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
    • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
    • authentik_rbac.role - Role
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
    • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
    • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
    • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
    • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
    • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
    • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
    • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
    • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
    • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
    • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
    • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
    • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
    • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
    • - Group
    • authentik_core.user - User
    • authentik_core.application - Application
    • authentik_core.token - Token
    • authentik_enterprise.license - License
    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
    • authentik_events.event - Event
    • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
    • authentik_events.notification - Notification
    • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
    • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

    Added enum values:

    • authentik_tenants.domain

    • authentik_brands.brand

    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

    • authentik_tenants.tenant

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property app (string)

      • authentik.tenants - authentik Tenants
      • authentik.admin - authentik Admin
      • authentik.api - authentik API
      • authentik.crypto - authentik Crypto
      • authentik.flows - authentik Flows
      • authentik.outposts - authentik Outpost
      • authentik.policies.dummy - authentik Policies.Dummy
      • authentik.policies.event_matcher - authentik Policies.Event Matcher
      • authentik.policies.expiry - authentik Policies.Expiry
      • authentik.policies.expression - authentik Policies.Expression
      • authentik.policies.password - authentik Policies.Password
      • authentik.policies.reputation - authentik Policies.Reputation
      • authentik.policies - authentik Policies
      • authentik.providers.ldap - authentik Providers.LDAP
      • authentik.providers.oauth2 - authentik Providers.OAuth2
      • authentik.providers.proxy - authentik Providers.Proxy
      • authentik.providers.radius - authentik Providers.Radius
      • authentik.providers.saml - authentik Providers.SAML
      • authentik.providers.scim - authentik Providers.SCIM
      • authentik.rbac - authentik RBAC
      • authentik.recovery - authentik Recovery
      • authentik.sources.ldap - authentik Sources.LDAP
      • authentik.sources.oauth - authentik Sources.OAuth
      • authentik.sources.plex - authentik Sources.Plex
      • authentik.sources.saml - authentik Sources.SAML
      • authentik.stages.authenticator - authentik Stages.Authenticator
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_duo - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Duo
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_sms - authentik Stages.Authenticator.SMS
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_static - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Static
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_totp - authentik Stages.Authenticator.TOTP
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_validate - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Validate
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_webauthn - authentik Stages.Authenticator.WebAuthn
      • authentik.stages.captcha - authentik Stages.Captcha
      • authentik.stages.consent - authentik Stages.Consent
      • authentik.stages.deny - authentik Stages.Deny
      • authentik.stages.dummy - authentik Stages.Dummy
      • - authentik Stages.Email
      • authentik.stages.identification - authentik Stages.Identification
      • authentik.stages.invitation - authentik Stages.User Invitation
      • authentik.stages.password - authentik Stages.Password
      • authentik.stages.prompt - authentik Stages.Prompt
      • authentik.stages.user_delete - authentik Stages.User Delete
      • authentik.stages.user_login - authentik Stages.User Login
      • authentik.stages.user_logout - authentik Stages.User Logout
      • authentik.stages.user_write - authentik Stages.User Write
      • authentik.brands - authentik Brands
      • authentik.blueprints - authentik Blueprints
      • authentik.core - authentik Core
      • authentik.enterprise - authentik Enterprise
      • authentik.enterprise.audit - authentik Enterprise.Audit
      • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac - authentik Enterprise.Providers.RAC
      • - authentik Events

      Added enum values:

      • authentik.brands
      • authentik.enterprise.audit
      • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac
    • Changed property model (string)

      • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
      • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
      • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
      • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
      • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
      • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
      • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
      • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
      • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
      • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
      • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
      • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
      • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
      • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
      • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
      • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
      • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
      • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
      • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
      • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
      • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
      • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
      • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
      • authentik_rbac.role - Role
      • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
      • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
      • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
      • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
      • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
      • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
      • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
      • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
      • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
      • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
      • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
      • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
      • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
      • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
      • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
      • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
      • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
      • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
      • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
      • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
      • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
      • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
      • - Group
      • authentik_core.user - User
      • authentik_core.application - Application
      • authentik_core.token - Token
      • authentik_enterprise.license - License
      • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
      • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
      • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
      • authentik_events.event - Event
      • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
      • authentik_events.notification - Notification
      • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
      • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

      Added enum values:

      • authentik_tenants.domain

      • authentik_brands.brand

      • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

      • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

      • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

      • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

      • authentik_tenants.tenant

PATCH /policies/event_matcher/{policy_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property app (string)

    • authentik.tenants - authentik Tenants
    • authentik.admin - authentik Admin
    • authentik.api - authentik API
    • authentik.crypto - authentik Crypto
    • authentik.flows - authentik Flows
    • authentik.outposts - authentik Outpost
    • authentik.policies.dummy - authentik Policies.Dummy
    • authentik.policies.event_matcher - authentik Policies.Event Matcher
    • authentik.policies.expiry - authentik Policies.Expiry
    • authentik.policies.expression - authentik Policies.Expression
    • authentik.policies.password - authentik Policies.Password
    • authentik.policies.reputation - authentik Policies.Reputation
    • authentik.policies - authentik Policies
    • authentik.providers.ldap - authentik Providers.LDAP
    • authentik.providers.oauth2 - authentik Providers.OAuth2
    • authentik.providers.proxy - authentik Providers.Proxy
    • authentik.providers.radius - authentik Providers.Radius
    • authentik.providers.saml - authentik Providers.SAML
    • authentik.providers.scim - authentik Providers.SCIM
    • authentik.rbac - authentik RBAC
    • authentik.recovery - authentik Recovery
    • authentik.sources.ldap - authentik Sources.LDAP
    • authentik.sources.oauth - authentik Sources.OAuth
    • authentik.sources.plex - authentik Sources.Plex
    • authentik.sources.saml - authentik Sources.SAML
    • authentik.stages.authenticator - authentik Stages.Authenticator
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_duo - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Duo
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_sms - authentik Stages.Authenticator.SMS
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_static - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Static
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_totp - authentik Stages.Authenticator.TOTP
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_validate - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Validate
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_webauthn - authentik Stages.Authenticator.WebAuthn
    • authentik.stages.captcha - authentik Stages.Captcha
    • authentik.stages.consent - authentik Stages.Consent
    • authentik.stages.deny - authentik Stages.Deny
    • authentik.stages.dummy - authentik Stages.Dummy
    • - authentik Stages.Email
    • authentik.stages.identification - authentik Stages.Identification
    • authentik.stages.invitation - authentik Stages.User Invitation
    • authentik.stages.password - authentik Stages.Password
    • authentik.stages.prompt - authentik Stages.Prompt
    • authentik.stages.user_delete - authentik Stages.User Delete
    • authentik.stages.user_login - authentik Stages.User Login
    • authentik.stages.user_logout - authentik Stages.User Logout
    • authentik.stages.user_write - authentik Stages.User Write
    • authentik.brands - authentik Brands
    • authentik.blueprints - authentik Blueprints
    • authentik.core - authentik Core
    • authentik.enterprise - authentik Enterprise
    • authentik.enterprise.audit - authentik Enterprise.Audit
    • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac - authentik Enterprise.Providers.RAC
    • - authentik Events

    Added enum values:

    • authentik.brands
    • authentik.enterprise.audit
    • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac
  • Changed property model (string)

    • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
    • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
    • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
    • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
    • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
    • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
    • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
    • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
    • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
    • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
    • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
    • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
    • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
    • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
    • authentik_rbac.role - Role
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
    • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
    • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
    • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
    • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
    • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
    • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
    • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
    • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
    • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
    • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
    • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
    • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
    • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
    • - Group
    • authentik_core.user - User
    • authentik_core.application - Application
    • authentik_core.token - Token
    • authentik_enterprise.license - License
    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
    • authentik_events.event - Event
    • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
    • authentik_events.notification - Notification
    • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
    • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

    Added enum values:

    • authentik_tenants.domain

    • authentik_brands.brand

    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

    • authentik_tenants.tenant

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property app (string)

      • authentik.tenants - authentik Tenants
      • authentik.admin - authentik Admin
      • authentik.api - authentik API
      • authentik.crypto - authentik Crypto
      • authentik.flows - authentik Flows
      • authentik.outposts - authentik Outpost
      • authentik.policies.dummy - authentik Policies.Dummy
      • authentik.policies.event_matcher - authentik Policies.Event Matcher
      • authentik.policies.expiry - authentik Policies.Expiry
      • authentik.policies.expression - authentik Policies.Expression
      • authentik.policies.password - authentik Policies.Password
      • authentik.policies.reputation - authentik Policies.Reputation
      • authentik.policies - authentik Policies
      • authentik.providers.ldap - authentik Providers.LDAP
      • authentik.providers.oauth2 - authentik Providers.OAuth2
      • authentik.providers.proxy - authentik Providers.Proxy
      • authentik.providers.radius - authentik Providers.Radius
      • authentik.providers.saml - authentik Providers.SAML
      • authentik.providers.scim - authentik Providers.SCIM
      • authentik.rbac - authentik RBAC
      • authentik.recovery - authentik Recovery
      • authentik.sources.ldap - authentik Sources.LDAP
      • authentik.sources.oauth - authentik Sources.OAuth
      • authentik.sources.plex - authentik Sources.Plex
      • authentik.sources.saml - authentik Sources.SAML
      • authentik.stages.authenticator - authentik Stages.Authenticator
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_duo - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Duo
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_sms - authentik Stages.Authenticator.SMS
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_static - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Static
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_totp - authentik Stages.Authenticator.TOTP
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_validate - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Validate
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_webauthn - authentik Stages.Authenticator.WebAuthn
      • authentik.stages.captcha - authentik Stages.Captcha
      • authentik.stages.consent - authentik Stages.Consent
      • authentik.stages.deny - authentik Stages.Deny
      • authentik.stages.dummy - authentik Stages.Dummy
      • - authentik Stages.Email
      • authentik.stages.identification - authentik Stages.Identification
      • authentik.stages.invitation - authentik Stages.User Invitation
      • authentik.stages.password - authentik Stages.Password
      • authentik.stages.prompt - authentik Stages.Prompt
      • authentik.stages.user_delete - authentik Stages.User Delete
      • authentik.stages.user_login - authentik Stages.User Login
      • authentik.stages.user_logout - authentik Stages.User Logout
      • authentik.stages.user_write - authentik Stages.User Write
      • authentik.brands - authentik Brands
      • authentik.blueprints - authentik Blueprints
      • authentik.core - authentik Core
      • authentik.enterprise - authentik Enterprise
      • authentik.enterprise.audit - authentik Enterprise.Audit
      • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac - authentik Enterprise.Providers.RAC
      • - authentik Events

      Added enum values:

      • authentik.brands
      • authentik.enterprise.audit
      • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac
    • Changed property model (string)

      • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
      • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
      • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
      • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
      • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
      • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
      • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
      • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
      • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
      • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
      • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
      • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
      • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
      • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
      • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
      • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
      • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
      • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
      • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
      • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
      • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
      • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
      • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
      • authentik_rbac.role - Role
      • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
      • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
      • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
      • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
      • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
      • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
      • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
      • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
      • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
      • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
      • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
      • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
      • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
      • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
      • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
      • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
      • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
      • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
      • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
      • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
      • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
      • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
      • - Group
      • authentik_core.user - User
      • authentik_core.application - Application
      • authentik_core.token - Token
      • authentik_enterprise.license - License
      • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
      • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
      • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
      • authentik_events.event - Event
      • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
      • authentik_events.notification - Notification
      • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
      • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

      Added enum values:

      • authentik_tenants.domain

      • authentik_brands.brand

      • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

      • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

      • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

      • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

      • authentik_tenants.tenant

GET /policies/reputation/scores/{reputation_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property ip_asn_data (object)

    • Changed property ip_geo_data (object -> object)

GET /propertymappings/all/types/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > Types of an object that can be created

    • Added property requires_enterprise (boolean)
GET /providers/all/types/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > Types of an object that can be created

    • Added property requires_enterprise (boolean)
GET /providers/oauth2/{id}/preview_user/

Added: for_user in query

GET /providers/saml/{id}/preview_user/

Added: for_user in query

GET /providers/scim/{id}/sync_status/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • is_running
    • tasks

    New optional properties:

    • messages

    • status

    • task_description

    • task_duration

    • task_finish_timestamp

    • task_name

    • Added property is_running (boolean)

    • Added property tasks (array)

      Items (object): > Serialize TaskInfo and TaskResult

      • Property uuid (string)

      • Property name (string)

      • Property full_name (string)

        Get full name with UID

      • Property uid (string)

      • Property description (string)

      • Property start_timestamp (string)

      • Property finish_timestamp (string)

      • Property duration (number)

      • Property status (string)

        • unknown - UNKNOWN
        • successful - SUCCESSFUL
        • warning - WARNING
        • error - ERROR

        Enum values:

        • unknown
        • successful
        • warning
        • error
      • Property messages (array)

        Items (string):

    • Deleted property task_name (string)

    • Deleted property task_description (string)

    • Deleted property task_finish_timestamp (string)

    • Deleted property task_duration (integer)

      Get the duration a task took to run

    • Deleted property status (object)

    • Deleted property messages (array)

GET /schema/

Changed: lang in query

GET /sources/all/types/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > Types of an object that can be created

    • Added property requires_enterprise (boolean)
GET /sources/ldap/{slug}/sync_status/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json
GET /sources/oauth/source_types/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > Serializer for SourceType

    New required properties:

    • verbose_name

    New optional properties:

    • slug

    • Added property verbose_name (string)

    • Deleted property slug (string)

GET /stages/all/types/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > Types of an object that can be created

    • Added property requires_enterprise (boolean)
GET /stages/email/templates/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > Types of an object that can be created

    • Added property requires_enterprise (boolean)
GET /authenticators/duo/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /authenticators/sms/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /authenticators/static/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /authenticators/totp/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /authenticators/webauthn/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /core/applications/{slug}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /core/authenticated_sessions/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > AuthenticatedSession Serializer

      New required properties:

      • asn

      • Added property asn (object)

        Get ASN Data

      • Changed property geo_ip (object)

        Get GeoIP Data

GET /core/authenticated_sessions/{uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /core/groups/{group_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /core/tokens/{identifier}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user_obj (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

PUT /core/tokens/{identifier}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user_obj (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

PATCH /core/tokens/{identifier}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user_obj (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /core/tokens/{identifier}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /core/user_consent/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /core/users/{id}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property avatar (string)

      User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

PUT /core/users/{id}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property avatar (string)

      User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

PATCH /core/users/{id}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property avatar (string)

      User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /core/users/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /crypto/certificatekeypairs/{kp_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /enterprise/license/{license_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /events/events/{event_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property brand (object)

    • Deleted property tenant (object)

    • Changed property user (object -> object)

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

PUT /events/events/{event_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property brand (object)

  • Deleted property tenant (object)

  • Changed property user (object -> object)

  • Changed property context (object -> object)

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property brand (object)

    • Deleted property tenant (object)

    • Changed property user (object -> object)

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

PATCH /events/events/{event_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property brand (object)

  • Deleted property tenant (object)

  • Changed property user (object -> object)

  • Changed property context (object -> object)

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property brand (object)

    • Deleted property tenant (object)

    • Changed property user (object -> object)

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

GET /events/notifications/{uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /events/rules/{pbm_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /events/transports/{uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /flows/instances/{slug}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property authentication (string)

      • none - None
      • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
      • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
      • require_superuser - Require Superuser
      • require_outpost - Require Outpost

      Added enum value:

      • require_outpost
    • Changed property layout (string)

      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /flows/instances/{slug}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property authentication (string)

    • none - None
    • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
    • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
    • require_superuser - Require Superuser
    • require_outpost - Require Outpost

    Added enum value:

    • require_outpost
  • Changed property layout (string)

    • stacked - Stacked
    • content_left - Content Left
    • content_right - Content Right
    • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
    • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property authentication (string)

      • none - None
      • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
      • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
      • require_superuser - Require Superuser
      • require_outpost - Require Outpost

      Added enum value:

      • require_outpost
    • Changed property layout (string)

      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /flows/instances/{slug}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property authentication (string)

    • none - None
    • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
    • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
    • require_superuser - Require Superuser
    • require_outpost - Require Outpost

    Added enum value:

    • require_outpost
  • Changed property layout (string)

    • stacked - Stacked
    • content_left - Content Left
    • content_right - Content Right
    • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
    • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property authentication (string)

      • none - None
      • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
      • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
      • require_superuser - Require Superuser
      • require_outpost - Require Outpost

      Added enum value:

      • require_outpost
    • Changed property layout (string)

      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /flows/instances/{slug}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


POST /managed/blueprints/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property context (object -> object)
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

    • Changed property metadata (object -> object)

GET /managed/blueprints/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Info about a single blueprint instance file

      • Changed property context (object -> object)

      • Changed property metadata (object -> object)

GET /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /oauth2/access_tokens/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /oauth2/authorization_codes/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /oauth2/refresh_tokens/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /outposts/instances/{uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property type (string)

      • proxy - Proxy
      • ldap - Ldap
      • radius - Radius
      • rac - Rac

      Added enum value:

      • rac
PUT /outposts/instances/{uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property type (string)

    • proxy - Proxy
    • ldap - Ldap
    • radius - Radius
    • rac - Rac

    Added enum value:

    • rac
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property type (string)

      • proxy - Proxy
      • ldap - Ldap
      • radius - Radius
      • rac - Rac

      Added enum value:

      • rac
PATCH /outposts/instances/{uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property type (string)

    • proxy - Proxy
    • ldap - Ldap
    • radius - Radius
    • rac - Rac

    Added enum value:

    • rac
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property type (string)

      • proxy - Proxy
      • ldap - Ldap
      • radius - Radius
      • rac - Rac

      Added enum value:

      • rac
GET /outposts/instances/{uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /outposts/service_connections/all/{uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /outposts/service_connections/docker/{uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


POST /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property kubeconfig (object -> object)

    Paste your kubeconfig here. authentik will automatically use the currently selected context.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property kubeconfig (object -> object)

      Paste your kubeconfig here. authentik will automatically use the currently selected context.

GET /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > KubernetesServiceConnection Serializer

      • Changed property kubeconfig (object -> object)

        Paste your kubeconfig here. authentik will automatically use the currently selected context.

GET /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/{uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /policies/all/{policy_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /policies/bindings/{policy_binding_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user_obj (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

PUT /policies/bindings/{policy_binding_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user_obj (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

PATCH /policies/bindings/{policy_binding_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user_obj (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /policies/bindings/{policy_binding_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /policies/dummy/{policy_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


POST /policies/event_matcher/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property app (string)

    • authentik.tenants - authentik Tenants
    • authentik.admin - authentik Admin
    • authentik.api - authentik API
    • authentik.crypto - authentik Crypto
    • authentik.flows - authentik Flows
    • authentik.outposts - authentik Outpost
    • authentik.policies.dummy - authentik Policies.Dummy
    • authentik.policies.event_matcher - authentik Policies.Event Matcher
    • authentik.policies.expiry - authentik Policies.Expiry
    • authentik.policies.expression - authentik Policies.Expression
    • authentik.policies.password - authentik Policies.Password
    • authentik.policies.reputation - authentik Policies.Reputation
    • authentik.policies - authentik Policies
    • authentik.providers.ldap - authentik Providers.LDAP
    • authentik.providers.oauth2 - authentik Providers.OAuth2
    • authentik.providers.proxy - authentik Providers.Proxy
    • authentik.providers.radius - authentik Providers.Radius
    • authentik.providers.saml - authentik Providers.SAML
    • authentik.providers.scim - authentik Providers.SCIM
    • authentik.rbac - authentik RBAC
    • authentik.recovery - authentik Recovery
    • authentik.sources.ldap - authentik Sources.LDAP
    • authentik.sources.oauth - authentik Sources.OAuth
    • authentik.sources.plex - authentik Sources.Plex
    • authentik.sources.saml - authentik Sources.SAML
    • authentik.stages.authenticator - authentik Stages.Authenticator
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_duo - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Duo
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_sms - authentik Stages.Authenticator.SMS
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_static - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Static
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_totp - authentik Stages.Authenticator.TOTP
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_validate - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Validate
    • authentik.stages.authenticator_webauthn - authentik Stages.Authenticator.WebAuthn
    • authentik.stages.captcha - authentik Stages.Captcha
    • authentik.stages.consent - authentik Stages.Consent
    • authentik.stages.deny - authentik Stages.Deny
    • authentik.stages.dummy - authentik Stages.Dummy
    • - authentik Stages.Email
    • authentik.stages.identification - authentik Stages.Identification
    • authentik.stages.invitation - authentik Stages.User Invitation
    • authentik.stages.password - authentik Stages.Password
    • authentik.stages.prompt - authentik Stages.Prompt
    • authentik.stages.user_delete - authentik Stages.User Delete
    • authentik.stages.user_login - authentik Stages.User Login
    • authentik.stages.user_logout - authentik Stages.User Logout
    • authentik.stages.user_write - authentik Stages.User Write
    • authentik.brands - authentik Brands
    • authentik.blueprints - authentik Blueprints
    • authentik.core - authentik Core
    • authentik.enterprise - authentik Enterprise
    • authentik.enterprise.audit - authentik Enterprise.Audit
    • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac - authentik Enterprise.Providers.RAC
    • - authentik Events

    Added enum values:

    • authentik.brands
    • authentik.enterprise.audit
    • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac
  • Changed property model (string)

    • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
    • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
    • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
    • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
    • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
    • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
    • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
    • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
    • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
    • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
    • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
    • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
    • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
    • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
    • authentik_rbac.role - Role
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
    • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
    • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
    • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
    • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
    • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
    • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
    • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
    • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
    • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
    • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
    • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
    • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
    • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
    • - Group
    • authentik_core.user - User
    • authentik_core.application - Application
    • authentik_core.token - Token
    • authentik_enterprise.license - License
    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
    • authentik_events.event - Event
    • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
    • authentik_events.notification - Notification
    • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
    • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

    Added enum values:

    • authentik_tenants.domain

    • authentik_brands.brand

    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

    • authentik_tenants.tenant

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property app (string)

      • authentik.tenants - authentik Tenants
      • authentik.admin - authentik Admin
      • authentik.api - authentik API
      • authentik.crypto - authentik Crypto
      • authentik.flows - authentik Flows
      • authentik.outposts - authentik Outpost
      • authentik.policies.dummy - authentik Policies.Dummy
      • authentik.policies.event_matcher - authentik Policies.Event Matcher
      • authentik.policies.expiry - authentik Policies.Expiry
      • authentik.policies.expression - authentik Policies.Expression
      • authentik.policies.password - authentik Policies.Password
      • authentik.policies.reputation - authentik Policies.Reputation
      • authentik.policies - authentik Policies
      • authentik.providers.ldap - authentik Providers.LDAP
      • authentik.providers.oauth2 - authentik Providers.OAuth2
      • authentik.providers.proxy - authentik Providers.Proxy
      • authentik.providers.radius - authentik Providers.Radius
      • authentik.providers.saml - authentik Providers.SAML
      • authentik.providers.scim - authentik Providers.SCIM
      • authentik.rbac - authentik RBAC
      • authentik.recovery - authentik Recovery
      • authentik.sources.ldap - authentik Sources.LDAP
      • authentik.sources.oauth - authentik Sources.OAuth
      • authentik.sources.plex - authentik Sources.Plex
      • authentik.sources.saml - authentik Sources.SAML
      • authentik.stages.authenticator - authentik Stages.Authenticator
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_duo - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Duo
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_sms - authentik Stages.Authenticator.SMS
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_static - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Static
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_totp - authentik Stages.Authenticator.TOTP
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_validate - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Validate
      • authentik.stages.authenticator_webauthn - authentik Stages.Authenticator.WebAuthn
      • authentik.stages.captcha - authentik Stages.Captcha
      • authentik.stages.consent - authentik Stages.Consent
      • authentik.stages.deny - authentik Stages.Deny
      • authentik.stages.dummy - authentik Stages.Dummy
      • - authentik Stages.Email
      • authentik.stages.identification - authentik Stages.Identification
      • authentik.stages.invitation - authentik Stages.User Invitation
      • authentik.stages.password - authentik Stages.Password
      • authentik.stages.prompt - authentik Stages.Prompt
      • authentik.stages.user_delete - authentik Stages.User Delete
      • authentik.stages.user_login - authentik Stages.User Login
      • authentik.stages.user_logout - authentik Stages.User Logout
      • authentik.stages.user_write - authentik Stages.User Write
      • authentik.brands - authentik Brands
      • authentik.blueprints - authentik Blueprints
      • authentik.core - authentik Core
      • authentik.enterprise - authentik Enterprise
      • authentik.enterprise.audit - authentik Enterprise.Audit
      • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac - authentik Enterprise.Providers.RAC
      • - authentik Events

      Added enum values:

      • authentik.brands
      • authentik.enterprise.audit
      • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac
    • Changed property model (string)

      • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
      • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
      • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
      • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
      • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
      • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
      • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
      • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
      • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
      • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
      • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
      • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
      • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
      • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
      • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
      • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
      • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
      • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
      • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
      • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
      • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
      • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
      • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
      • authentik_rbac.role - Role
      • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
      • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
      • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
      • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
      • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
      • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
      • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
      • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
      • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
      • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
      • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
      • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
      • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
      • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
      • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
      • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
      • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
      • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
      • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
      • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
      • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
      • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
      • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
      • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
      • - Group
      • authentik_core.user - User
      • authentik_core.application - Application
      • authentik_core.token - Token
      • authentik_enterprise.license - License
      • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
      • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
      • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
      • authentik_events.event - Event
      • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
      • authentik_events.notification - Notification
      • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
      • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

      Added enum values:

      • authentik_tenants.domain

      • authentik_brands.brand

      • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

      • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

      • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

      • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

      • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

      • authentik_tenants.tenant

GET /policies/event_matcher/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Event Matcher Policy Serializer

      • Changed property app (string)

        • authentik.tenants - authentik Tenants
        • authentik.admin - authentik Admin
        • authentik.api - authentik API
        • authentik.crypto - authentik Crypto
        • authentik.flows - authentik Flows
        • authentik.outposts - authentik Outpost
        • authentik.policies.dummy - authentik Policies.Dummy
        • authentik.policies.event_matcher - authentik Policies.Event Matcher
        • authentik.policies.expiry - authentik Policies.Expiry
        • authentik.policies.expression - authentik Policies.Expression
        • authentik.policies.password - authentik Policies.Password
        • authentik.policies.reputation - authentik Policies.Reputation
        • authentik.policies - authentik Policies
        • authentik.providers.ldap - authentik Providers.LDAP
        • authentik.providers.oauth2 - authentik Providers.OAuth2
        • authentik.providers.proxy - authentik Providers.Proxy
        • authentik.providers.radius - authentik Providers.Radius
        • authentik.providers.saml - authentik Providers.SAML
        • authentik.providers.scim - authentik Providers.SCIM
        • authentik.rbac - authentik RBAC
        • authentik.recovery - authentik Recovery
        • authentik.sources.ldap - authentik Sources.LDAP
        • authentik.sources.oauth - authentik Sources.OAuth
        • authentik.sources.plex - authentik Sources.Plex
        • authentik.sources.saml - authentik Sources.SAML
        • authentik.stages.authenticator - authentik Stages.Authenticator
        • authentik.stages.authenticator_duo - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Duo
        • authentik.stages.authenticator_sms - authentik Stages.Authenticator.SMS
        • authentik.stages.authenticator_static - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Static
        • authentik.stages.authenticator_totp - authentik Stages.Authenticator.TOTP
        • authentik.stages.authenticator_validate - authentik Stages.Authenticator.Validate
        • authentik.stages.authenticator_webauthn - authentik Stages.Authenticator.WebAuthn
        • authentik.stages.captcha - authentik Stages.Captcha
        • authentik.stages.consent - authentik Stages.Consent
        • authentik.stages.deny - authentik Stages.Deny
        • authentik.stages.dummy - authentik Stages.Dummy
        • - authentik Stages.Email
        • authentik.stages.identification - authentik Stages.Identification
        • authentik.stages.invitation - authentik Stages.User Invitation
        • authentik.stages.password - authentik Stages.Password
        • authentik.stages.prompt - authentik Stages.Prompt
        • authentik.stages.user_delete - authentik Stages.User Delete
        • authentik.stages.user_login - authentik Stages.User Login
        • authentik.stages.user_logout - authentik Stages.User Logout
        • authentik.stages.user_write - authentik Stages.User Write
        • authentik.brands - authentik Brands
        • authentik.blueprints - authentik Blueprints
        • authentik.core - authentik Core
        • authentik.enterprise - authentik Enterprise
        • authentik.enterprise.audit - authentik Enterprise.Audit
        • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac - authentik Enterprise.Providers.RAC
        • - authentik Events

        Added enum values:

        • authentik.brands
        • authentik.enterprise.audit
        • authentik.enterprise.providers.rac
      • Changed property model (string)

        • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
        • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
        • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
        • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
        • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
        • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
        • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
        • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
        • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
        • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
        • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
        • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
        • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
        • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
        • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
        • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
        • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
        • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
        • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
        • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
        • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
        • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
        • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
        • authentik_rbac.role - Role
        • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
        • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
        • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
        • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
        • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
        • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
        • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
        • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
        • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
        • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
        • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
        • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
        • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
        • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
        • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
        • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
        • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
        • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
        • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
        • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
        • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
        • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
        • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
        • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
        • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
        • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
        • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
        • - Group
        • authentik_core.user - User
        • authentik_core.application - Application
        • authentik_core.token - Token
        • authentik_enterprise.license - License
        • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
        • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
        • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
        • authentik_events.event - Event
        • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
        • authentik_events.notification - Notification
        • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
        • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

        Added enum values:

        • authentik_tenants.domain

        • authentik_brands.brand

        • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

        • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

        • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

        • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

        • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

        • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

        • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

        • authentik_tenants.tenant

GET /policies/event_matcher/{policy_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /policies/expression/{policy_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /policies/password/{policy_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /policies/password_expiry/{policy_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /policies/reputation/{policy_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /policies/reputation/scores/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Reputation Serializer

      • Added property ip_asn_data (object)

      • Changed property ip_geo_data (object -> object)

GET /policies/reputation/scores/{reputation_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /propertymappings/all/{pm_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /propertymappings/ldap/{pm_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /propertymappings/saml/{pm_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /propertymappings/scim/{pm_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /propertymappings/scope/{pm_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /providers/all/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /providers/ldap/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /providers/oauth2/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /providers/proxy/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /providers/radius/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /providers/saml/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /providers/scim/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


POST /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_roles/{uuid}/assign/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property model (string)

    • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
    • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
    • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
    • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
    • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
    • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
    • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
    • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
    • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
    • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
    • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
    • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
    • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
    • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
    • authentik_rbac.role - Role
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
    • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
    • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
    • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
    • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
    • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
    • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
    • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
    • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
    • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
    • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
    • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
    • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
    • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
    • - Group
    • authentik_core.user - User
    • authentik_core.application - Application
    • authentik_core.token - Token
    • authentik_enterprise.license - License
    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
    • authentik_events.event - Event
    • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
    • authentik_events.notification - Notification
    • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
    • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

    Added enum values:

    • authentik_tenants.domain

    • authentik_brands.brand

    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

    • authentik_tenants.tenant

PATCH /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_roles/{uuid}/unassign/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property model (string)

    • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
    • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
    • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
    • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
    • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
    • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
    • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
    • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
    • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
    • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
    • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
    • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
    • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
    • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
    • authentik_rbac.role - Role
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
    • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
    • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
    • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
    • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
    • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
    • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
    • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
    • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
    • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
    • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
    • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
    • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
    • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
    • - Group
    • authentik_core.user - User
    • authentik_core.application - Application
    • authentik_core.token - Token
    • authentik_enterprise.license - License
    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
    • authentik_events.event - Event
    • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
    • authentik_events.notification - Notification
    • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
    • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

    Added enum values:

    • authentik_tenants.domain

    • authentik_brands.brand

    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

    • authentik_tenants.tenant

POST /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_users/{id}/assign/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property model (string)

    • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
    • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
    • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
    • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
    • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
    • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
    • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
    • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
    • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
    • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
    • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
    • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
    • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
    • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
    • authentik_rbac.role - Role
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
    • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
    • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
    • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
    • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
    • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
    • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
    • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
    • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
    • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
    • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
    • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
    • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
    • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
    • - Group
    • authentik_core.user - User
    • authentik_core.application - Application
    • authentik_core.token - Token
    • authentik_enterprise.license - License
    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
    • authentik_events.event - Event
    • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
    • authentik_events.notification - Notification
    • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
    • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

    Added enum values:

    • authentik_tenants.domain

    • authentik_brands.brand

    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

    • authentik_tenants.tenant

PATCH /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_users/{id}/unassign/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property model (string)

    • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
    • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
    • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
    • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
    • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
    • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
    • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
    • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
    • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
    • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
    • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
    • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
    • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
    • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
    • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
    • authentik_rbac.role - Role
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
    • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
    • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
    • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
    • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
    • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
    • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
    • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
    • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
    • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
    • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
    • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
    • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
    • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
    • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
    • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
    • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
    • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
    • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
    • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
    • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
    • - Group
    • authentik_core.user - User
    • authentik_core.application - Application
    • authentik_core.token - Token
    • authentik_enterprise.license - License
    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
    • authentik_events.event - Event
    • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
    • authentik_events.notification - Notification
    • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
    • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping

    Added enum values:

    • authentik_tenants.domain

    • authentik_brands.brand

    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider

    • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint

    • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping Removed enum values:

    • authentik_policies_reputation.reputation

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.authorizationcode

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.accesstoken

    • authentik_providers_oauth2.refreshtoken

    • authentik_tenants.tenant

GET /rbac/roles/{uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /root/config/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property capabilities (array)

      Changed items (string): > _ can_save_media - Can Save Media > _ can_geo_ip - Can Geo Ip > _ can_asn - Can Asn > _ can_impersonate - Can Impersonate > _ can_debug - Can Debug > _ is_enterprise - Is Enterprise

      Added enum value:

      • can_asn
GET /sources/all/{slug}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /sources/ldap/{slug}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • connectivity

    • Added property connectivity (object)

      Get cached source connectivity

PUT /sources/ldap/{slug}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • connectivity

    • Added property connectivity (object)

      Get cached source connectivity

PATCH /sources/ldap/{slug}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • connectivity

    • Added property connectivity (object)

      Get cached source connectivity

GET /sources/ldap/{slug}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /sources/oauth/{slug}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property type (object)

      Serializer for SourceType

      New required properties:

      • verbose_name

      New optional properties:

      • slug

      • Added property verbose_name (string)

      • Deleted property slug (string)

    • Changed property oidc_jwks (object -> object)

    • Changed property provider_type (string)

      • apple - Apple
      • openidconnect - OpenID Connect
      • azuread - Azure AD
      • discord - Discord
      • facebook - Facebook
      • github - GitHub
      • google - Google
      • mailcow - Mailcow
      • okta - Okta
      • patreon - Patreon
      • reddit - Reddit
      • twitch - Twitch
      • twitter - Twitter
PUT /sources/oauth/{slug}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property oidc_jwks (object -> object)

  • Changed property provider_type (string)

    • apple - Apple
    • openidconnect - OpenID Connect
    • azuread - Azure AD
    • discord - Discord
    • facebook - Facebook
    • github - GitHub
    • google - Google
    • mailcow - Mailcow
    • okta - Okta
    • patreon - Patreon
    • reddit - Reddit
    • twitch - Twitch
    • twitter - Twitter
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property type (object)

      Serializer for SourceType

      New required properties:

      • verbose_name

      New optional properties:

      • slug

      • Added property verbose_name (string)

      • Deleted property slug (string)

    • Changed property oidc_jwks (object -> object)

    • Changed property provider_type (string)

      • apple - Apple
      • openidconnect - OpenID Connect
      • azuread - Azure AD
      • discord - Discord
      • facebook - Facebook
      • github - GitHub
      • google - Google
      • mailcow - Mailcow
      • okta - Okta
      • patreon - Patreon
      • reddit - Reddit
      • twitch - Twitch
      • twitter - Twitter
PATCH /sources/oauth/{slug}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property oidc_jwks (object -> object)

  • Changed property provider_type (string)

    • apple - Apple
    • openidconnect - OpenID Connect
    • azuread - Azure AD
    • discord - Discord
    • facebook - Facebook
    • github - GitHub
    • google - Google
    • mailcow - Mailcow
    • okta - Okta
    • patreon - Patreon
    • reddit - Reddit
    • twitch - Twitch
    • twitter - Twitter
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property type (object)

      Serializer for SourceType

      New required properties:

      • verbose_name

      New optional properties:

      • slug

      • Added property verbose_name (string)

      • Deleted property slug (string)

    • Changed property oidc_jwks (object -> object)

    • Changed property provider_type (string)

      • apple - Apple
      • openidconnect - OpenID Connect
      • azuread - Azure AD
      • discord - Discord
      • facebook - Facebook
      • github - GitHub
      • google - Google
      • mailcow - Mailcow
      • okta - Okta
      • patreon - Patreon
      • reddit - Reddit
      • twitch - Twitch
      • twitter - Twitter
GET /sources/oauth/{slug}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /sources/plex/{slug}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /sources/saml/{slug}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /sources/user_connections/all/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /sources/user_connections/oauth/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /sources/user_connections/plex/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/all/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/used_by/

Changed: stage_uuid in path

A UUID string identifying this Static Authenticator Setup Stage.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/invitation/invitations/{invite_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_obj (object)

      Flow Serializer

      • Changed property authentication (string)

        • none - None
        • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
        • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
        • require_superuser - Require Superuser
        • require_outpost - Require Outpost

        Added enum value:

        • require_outpost
      • Changed property layout (string)

        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/invitation/invitations/{invite_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_obj (object)

      Flow Serializer

      • Changed property authentication (string)

        • none - None
        • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
        • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
        • require_superuser - Require Superuser
        • require_outpost - Require Outpost

        Added enum value:

        • require_outpost
      • Changed property layout (string)

        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/invitation/invitations/{invite_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_obj (object)

      Flow Serializer

      • Changed property authentication (string)

        • none - None
        • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
        • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
        • require_superuser - Require Superuser
        • require_outpost - Require Outpost

        Added enum value:

        • require_outpost
      • Changed property layout (string)

        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/invitation/invitations/{invite_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/used_by/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    Changed items (object): > A list of all objects referencing the queried object

    • Changed property action (string)

      • cascade - CASCADE
      • cascade_many - CASCADE_MANY
      • set_null - SET_NULL
      • set_default - SET_DEFAULT

      Added enum values:

      • cascade

      • cascade_many

      • set_null

      • set_default Removed enum values:

      • CASCADE


      • SET_NULL


GET /core/applications/

Added: for_user in query

POST /core/tokens/
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user_obj (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /core/tokens/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Token Serializer

      • Changed property user_obj (object)

        User Serializer

        • Changed property avatar (string)

          User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /core/user_consent/{id}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property expiring (boolean)

    • Changed property user (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

POST /core/users/
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property avatar (string)

      User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /core/users/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /core/users/me/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user (object)

      User Serializer for information a user can retrieve about themselves

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

      • Changed property settings (object)

        Get user settings with brand and group settings applied

POST /events/events/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property brand (object)

  • Deleted property tenant (object)

  • Changed property user (object -> object)

  • Changed property context (object -> object)

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property brand (object)

    • Deleted property tenant (object)

    • Changed property user (object -> object)

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

GET /events/events/

Added: brand_name in query

Brand name

Deleted: tenant_name in query

Tenant name

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Event Serializer

      • Added property brand (object)

      • Deleted property tenant (object)

      • Changed property user (object -> object)

      • Changed property context (object -> object)

GET /events/notifications/{uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property event (object)

      Event Serializer

      • Added property brand (object)

      • Deleted property tenant (object)

      • Changed property user (object -> object)

      • Changed property context (object -> object)

PUT /events/notifications/{uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property event (object)

    Event Serializer

    • Added property brand (object)

    • Deleted property tenant (object)

    • Changed property user (object -> object)

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property event (object)

      Event Serializer

      • Added property brand (object)

      • Deleted property tenant (object)

      • Changed property user (object -> object)

      • Changed property context (object -> object)

PATCH /events/notifications/{uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property event (object)

    Event Serializer

    • Added property brand (object)

    • Deleted property tenant (object)

    • Changed property user (object -> object)

    • Changed property context (object -> object)

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property event (object)

      Event Serializer

      • Added property brand (object)

      • Deleted property tenant (object)

      • Changed property user (object -> object)

      • Changed property context (object -> object)

GET /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property stage_obj (object)

      Stage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property stage_obj (object)

      Stage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property stage_obj (object)

      Stage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /flows/instances/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property authentication (string)

    • none - None
    • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
    • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
    • require_superuser - Require Superuser
    • require_outpost - Require Outpost

    Added enum value:

    • require_outpost
  • Changed property layout (string)

    • stacked - Stacked
    • content_left - Content Left
    • content_right - Content Right
    • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
    • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property authentication (string)

      • none - None
      • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
      • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
      • require_superuser - Require Superuser
      • require_outpost - Require Outpost

      Added enum value:

      • require_outpost
    • Changed property layout (string)

      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /flows/instances/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Flow Serializer

      • Changed property authentication (string)

        • none - None
        • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
        • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
        • require_superuser - Require Superuser
        • require_outpost - Require Outpost

        Added enum value:

        • require_outpost
      • Changed property layout (string)

        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /oauth2/access_tokens/{id}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /oauth2/authorization_codes/{id}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /oauth2/refresh_tokens/{id}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

POST /outposts/instances/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property type (string)

    • proxy - Proxy
    • ldap - Ldap
    • radius - Radius
    • rac - Rac

    Added enum value:

    • rac
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property type (string)

      • proxy - Proxy
      • ldap - Ldap
      • radius - Radius
      • rac - Rac

      Added enum value:

      • rac
GET /outposts/instances/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Outpost Serializer

      • Changed property type (string)

        • proxy - Proxy
        • ldap - Ldap
        • radius - Radius
        • rac - Rac

        Added enum value:

        • rac
POST /policies/bindings/
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property user_obj (object)

      User Serializer

      • Changed property avatar (string)

        User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /policies/bindings/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > PolicyBinding Serializer

      • Changed property user_obj (object)

        User Serializer

        • Changed property avatar (string)

          User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_roles/

Changed: model in query

  • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
  • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
  • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
  • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
  • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
  • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
  • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
  • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
  • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
  • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
  • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
  • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
  • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
  • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
  • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
  • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
  • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
  • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
  • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
  • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
  • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
  • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
  • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
  • authentik_rbac.role - Role
  • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
  • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
  • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
  • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
  • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
  • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
  • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
  • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
  • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
  • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
  • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
  • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
  • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
  • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
  • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
  • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
  • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
  • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
  • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
  • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
  • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
  • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
  • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
  • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
  • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
  • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
  • - Group
  • authentik_core.user - User
  • authentik_core.application - Application
  • authentik_core.token - Token
  • authentik_enterprise.license - License
  • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
  • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
  • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
  • authentik_events.event - Event
  • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
  • authentik_events.notification - Notification
  • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
  • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping
GET /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_users/

Changed: model in query

  • authentik_tenants.domain - Domain
  • authentik_crypto.certificatekeypair - Certificate-Key Pair
  • authentik_flows.flow - Flow
  • authentik_flows.flowstagebinding - Flow Stage Binding
  • authentik_outposts.dockerserviceconnection - Docker Service-Connection
  • authentik_outposts.kubernetesserviceconnection - Kubernetes Service-Connection
  • authentik_outposts.outpost - Outpost
  • authentik_policies_dummy.dummypolicy - Dummy Policy
  • authentik_policies_event_matcher.eventmatcherpolicy - Event Matcher Policy
  • authentik_policies_expiry.passwordexpirypolicy - Password Expiry Policy
  • authentik_policies_expression.expressionpolicy - Expression Policy
  • authentik_policies_password.passwordpolicy - Password Policy
  • authentik_policies_reputation.reputationpolicy - Reputation Policy
  • authentik_policies.policybinding - Policy Binding
  • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - LDAP Provider
  • authentik_providers_oauth2.scopemapping - Scope Mapping
  • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - OAuth2/OpenID Provider
  • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - Proxy Provider
  • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - Radius Provider
  • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - SAML Provider
  • authentik_providers_saml.samlpropertymapping - SAML Property Mapping
  • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - SCIM Provider
  • authentik_providers_scim.scimmapping - SCIM Mapping
  • authentik_rbac.role - Role
  • authentik_sources_ldap.ldapsource - LDAP Source
  • authentik_sources_ldap.ldappropertymapping - LDAP Property Mapping
  • authentik_sources_oauth.oauthsource - OAuth Source
  • authentik_sources_oauth.useroauthsourceconnection - User OAuth Source Connection
  • authentik_sources_plex.plexsource - Plex Source
  • authentik_sources_plex.plexsourceconnection - User Plex Source Connection
  • authentik_sources_saml.samlsource - SAML Source
  • authentik_sources_saml.usersamlsourceconnection - User SAML Source Connection
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.authenticatorduostage - Duo Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_duo.duodevice - Duo Device
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.authenticatorsmsstage - SMS Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_sms.smsdevice - SMS Device
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.authenticatorstaticstage - Static Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_static.staticdevice - Static Device
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.authenticatortotpstage - TOTP Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_totp.totpdevice - TOTP Device
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_validate.authenticatorvalidatestage - Authenticator Validation Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.authenticatewebauthnstage - WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage
  • authentik_stages_authenticator_webauthn.webauthndevice - WebAuthn Device
  • authentik_stages_captcha.captchastage - Captcha Stage
  • authentik_stages_consent.consentstage - Consent Stage
  • authentik_stages_consent.userconsent - User Consent
  • authentik_stages_deny.denystage - Deny Stage
  • authentik_stages_dummy.dummystage - Dummy Stage
  • authentik_stages_email.emailstage - Email Stage
  • authentik_stages_identification.identificationstage - Identification Stage
  • authentik_stages_invitation.invitationstage - Invitation Stage
  • authentik_stages_invitation.invitation - Invitation
  • authentik_stages_password.passwordstage - Password Stage
  • authentik_stages_prompt.prompt - Prompt
  • authentik_stages_prompt.promptstage - Prompt Stage
  • authentik_stages_user_delete.userdeletestage - User Delete Stage
  • authentik_stages_user_login.userloginstage - User Login Stage
  • authentik_stages_user_logout.userlogoutstage - User Logout Stage
  • authentik_stages_user_write.userwritestage - User Write Stage
  • authentik_brands.brand - Brand
  • authentik_blueprints.blueprintinstance - Blueprint Instance
  • - Group
  • authentik_core.user - User
  • authentik_core.application - Application
  • authentik_core.token - Token
  • authentik_enterprise.license - License
  • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - RAC Provider
  • authentik_providers_rac.endpoint - RAC Endpoint
  • authentik_providers_rac.racpropertymapping - RAC Property Mapping
  • authentik_events.event - Event
  • authentik_events.notificationtransport - Notification Transport
  • authentik_events.notification - Notification
  • authentik_events.notificationrule - Notification Rule
  • authentik_events.notificationwebhookmapping - Webhook Mapping
POST /sources/ldap/
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    New required properties:

    • connectivity

    • Added property connectivity (object)

      Get cached source connectivity

GET /sources/ldap/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > LDAP Source Serializer

      New required properties:

      • connectivity

      • Added property connectivity (object)

        Get cached source connectivity

POST /sources/oauth/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property oidc_jwks (object -> object)

  • Changed property provider_type (string)

    • apple - Apple
    • openidconnect - OpenID Connect
    • azuread - Azure AD
    • discord - Discord
    • facebook - Facebook
    • github - GitHub
    • google - Google
    • mailcow - Mailcow
    • okta - Okta
    • patreon - Patreon
    • reddit - Reddit
    • twitch - Twitch
    • twitter - Twitter
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property type (object)

      Serializer for SourceType

      New required properties:

      • verbose_name

      New optional properties:

      • slug

      • Added property verbose_name (string)

      • Deleted property slug (string)

    • Changed property oidc_jwks (object -> object)

    • Changed property provider_type (string)

      • apple - Apple
      • openidconnect - OpenID Connect
      • azuread - Azure AD
      • discord - Discord
      • facebook - Facebook
      • github - GitHub
      • google - Google
      • mailcow - Mailcow
      • okta - Okta
      • patreon - Patreon
      • reddit - Reddit
      • twitch - Twitch
      • twitter - Twitter
GET /sources/oauth/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > OAuth Source Serializer

      • Changed property type (object)

        Serializer for SourceType

        New required properties:

        • verbose_name

        New optional properties:

        • slug

        • Added property verbose_name (string)

        • Deleted property slug (string)

      • Changed property oidc_jwks (object -> object)

      • Changed property provider_type (string)

        • apple - Apple
        • openidconnect - OpenID Connect
        • azuread - Azure AD
        • discord - Discord
        • facebook - Facebook
        • github - GitHub
        • google - Google
        • mailcow - Mailcow
        • okta - Okta
        • patreon - Patreon
        • reddit - Reddit
        • twitch - Twitch
        • twitter - Twitter
GET /stages/all/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
DELETE /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/

Changed: stage_uuid in path

A UUID string identifying this Static Authenticator Setup Stage.

GET /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/

Changed: stage_uuid in path

A UUID string identifying this Static Authenticator Setup Stage.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/

Changed: stage_uuid in path

A UUID string identifying this Static Authenticator Setup Stage.


Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/

Changed: stage_uuid in path

A UUID string identifying this Static Authenticator Setup Stage.


Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property digits (integer -> string)

      • 6 - 6 digits, widely compatible
      • 8 - 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator
    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property digits (integer -> string)

    • 6 - 6 digits, widely compatible
    • 8 - 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator
  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property digits (integer -> string)

      • 6 - 6 digits, widely compatible
      • 8 - 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator
    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property digits (integer -> string)

    • 6 - 6 digits, widely compatible
    • 8 - 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator
  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property digits (integer -> string)

      • 6 - 6 digits, widely compatible
      • 8 - 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator
    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property pretend_user_exists (boolean)

      When enabled, the stage will succeed and continue even when incorrect user info is entered.

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property pretend_user_exists (boolean)

    When enabled, the stage will succeed and continue even when incorrect user info is entered.

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property pretend_user_exists (boolean)

      When enabled, the stage will succeed and continue even when incorrect user info is entered.

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property pretend_user_exists (boolean)

    When enabled, the stage will succeed and continue even when incorrect user info is entered.

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property pretend_user_exists (boolean)

      When enabled, the stage will succeed and continue even when incorrect user info is entered.

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/invitation/invitations/
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_obj (object)

      Flow Serializer

      • Changed property authentication (string)

        • none - None
        • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
        • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
        • require_superuser - Require Superuser
        • require_outpost - Require Outpost

        Added enum value:

        • require_outpost
      • Changed property layout (string)

        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/invitation/invitations/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Invitation Serializer

      • Changed property flow_obj (object)

        Flow Serializer

        • Changed property authentication (string)

          • none - None
          • require_authenticated - Require Authenticated
          • require_unauthenticated - Require Unauthenticated
          • require_superuser - Require Superuser
          • require_outpost - Require Outpost

          Added enum value:

          • require_outpost
        • Changed property layout (string)

          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property network_binding (object)

      Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured network

      • no_binding - No Binding
      • bind_asn - Bind Asn
      • bind_asn_network - Bind Asn Network
      • bind_asn_network_ip - Bind Asn Network Ip

      Enum values:

      • no_binding
      • bind_asn
      • bind_asn_network
      • bind_asn_network_ip
    • Added property geoip_binding (object)

      Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured GeoIP location

      • no_binding - No Binding
      • bind_continent - Bind Continent
      • bind_continent_country - Bind Continent Country
      • bind_continent_country_city - Bind Continent Country City

      Enum values:

      • no_binding
      • bind_continent
      • bind_continent_country
      • bind_continent_country_city
    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property network_binding (object)

    Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured network

    • no_binding - No Binding
    • bind_asn - Bind Asn
    • bind_asn_network - Bind Asn Network
    • bind_asn_network_ip - Bind Asn Network Ip
  • Added property geoip_binding (object)

    Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured GeoIP location

    • no_binding - No Binding
    • bind_continent - Bind Continent
    • bind_continent_country - Bind Continent Country
    • bind_continent_country_city - Bind Continent Country City
  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property network_binding (object)

      Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured network

      • no_binding - No Binding
      • bind_asn - Bind Asn
      • bind_asn_network - Bind Asn Network
      • bind_asn_network_ip - Bind Asn Network Ip
    • Added property geoip_binding (object)

      Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured GeoIP location

      • no_binding - No Binding
      • bind_continent - Bind Continent
      • bind_continent_country - Bind Continent Country
      • bind_continent_country_city - Bind Continent Country City
    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property network_binding (object)

    Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured network

    • no_binding - No Binding
    • bind_asn - Bind Asn
    • bind_asn_network - Bind Asn Network
    • bind_asn_network_ip - Bind Asn Network Ip
  • Added property geoip_binding (object)

    Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured GeoIP location

    • no_binding - No Binding
    • bind_continent - Bind Continent
    • bind_continent_country - Bind Continent Country
    • bind_continent_country_city - Bind Continent Country City
  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property network_binding (object)

      Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured network

      • no_binding - No Binding
      • bind_asn - Bind Asn
      • bind_asn_network - Bind Asn Network
      • bind_asn_network_ip - Bind Asn Network Ip
    • Added property geoip_binding (object)

      Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured GeoIP location

      • no_binding - No Binding
      • bind_continent - Bind Continent
      • bind_continent_country - Bind Continent Country
      • bind_continent_country_city - Bind Continent Country City
    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /core/transactional/applications/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property provider_model (string)

    • authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider - authentik_providers_ldap.ldapprovider
    • authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider - authentik_providers_oauth2.oauth2provider
    • authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider - authentik_providers_proxy.proxyprovider
    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider - authentik_providers_rac.racprovider
    • authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider - authentik_providers_radius.radiusprovider
    • authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider - authentik_providers_saml.samlprovider
    • authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider - authentik_providers_scim.scimprovider

    Added enum value:

    • authentik_providers_rac.racprovider
  • Changed property provider (object)

    Added 'authentik_providers_rac.racprovider' provider_model:

    • Property name (string)

    • Property authentication_flow (string)

      Flow used for authentication when the associated application is accessed by an un-authenticated user.

    • Property authorization_flow (string)

      Flow used when authorizing this provider.

    • Property property_mappings (array)

      Items (string):

    • Property settings (object)

    • Property connection_expiry (string)

      Determines how long a session lasts. Default of 0 means that the sessions lasts until the browser is closed. (Format: hours=-1;minutes=-2;seconds=-3)

    • Property delete_token_on_disconnect (boolean)

      When set to true, connection tokens will be deleted upon disconnect.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > UserConsent Serializer

      • Added property expiring (boolean)

      • Changed property user (object)

        User Serializer

        • Changed property avatar (string)

          User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /events/notifications/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Notification Serializer

      • Changed property event (object)

        Event Serializer

        • Added property brand (object)

        • Deleted property tenant (object)

        • Changed property user (object -> object)

        • Changed property context (object -> object)

POST /flows/bindings/
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property stage_obj (object)

      Stage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /flows/bindings/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > FlowStageBinding Serializer

      • Changed property stage_obj (object)

        Stage Serializer

        • Changed property flow_set (array)

          Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

          • Changed property layout (string)
            • stacked - Stacked
            • content_left - Content Left
            • content_right - Content Right
            • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
            • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /flows/inspector/{flow_slug}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property plans (array)

      Changed items (object): > Serializer for an active FlowPlan

      • Changed property current_stage (object)

        FlowStageBinding Serializer

        • Changed property stage_obj (object)

          Stage Serializer

          • Changed property flow_set (array)

            Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

            • Changed property layout (string)
              • stacked - Stacked
              • content_left - Content Left
              • content_right - Content Right
              • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
              • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /oauth2/access_tokens/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Serializer for BaseGrantModel and RefreshToken

      • Changed property user (object)

        User Serializer

        • Changed property avatar (string)

          User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /oauth2/authorization_codes/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Serializer for BaseGrantModel and ExpiringBaseGrant

      • Changed property user (object)

        User Serializer

        • Changed property avatar (string)

          User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /oauth2/refresh_tokens/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Serializer for BaseGrantModel and RefreshToken

      • Changed property user (object)

        User Serializer

        • Changed property avatar (string)

          User's avatar, either a http/https URL or a data URI

GET /stages/all/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/authenticator/duo/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/duo/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorDuoStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/authenticator/sms/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/sms/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorSMSStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/authenticator/static/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/static/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorStaticStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/authenticator/totp/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property digits (integer -> string)

    • 6 - 6 digits, widely compatible
    • 8 - 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator
  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property digits (integer -> string)

      • 6 - 6 digits, widely compatible
      • 8 - 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator
    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/totp/

Changed: digits in query

  • 6 - 6 digits, widely compatible
  • 8 - 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorTOTPStage Serializer

      • Changed property digits (integer -> string)

        • 6 - 6 digits, widely compatible
        • 8 - 8 digits, not compatible with apps like Google Authenticator
      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/authenticator/validate/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/validate/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > AuthenticatorValidateStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/authenticator/webauthn/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/authenticator/webauthn/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > AuthenticateWebAuthnStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/captcha/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/captcha/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > CaptchaStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/consent/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/consent/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > ConsentStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/deny/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/deny/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > DenyStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/dummy/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/dummy/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > DummyStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/email/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/email/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > EmailStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/identification/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property pretend_user_exists (boolean)

    When enabled, the stage will succeed and continue even when incorrect user info is entered.

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property pretend_user_exists (boolean)

      When enabled, the stage will succeed and continue even when incorrect user info is entered.

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/identification/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > IdentificationStage Serializer

      • Added property pretend_user_exists (boolean)

        When enabled, the stage will succeed and continue even when incorrect user info is entered.

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/invitation/stages/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/invitation/stages/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > InvitationStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/password/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/password/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > PasswordStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property promptstage_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PUT /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property promptstage_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property promptstage_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
PATCH /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property promptstage_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property promptstage_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/prompt/prompts/preview/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property promptstage_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/prompt/stages/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/prompt/stages/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > PromptStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/user_delete/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/user_delete/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > UserDeleteStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/user_login/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Added property network_binding (object)

    Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured network

    • no_binding - No Binding
    • bind_asn - Bind Asn
    • bind_asn_network - Bind Asn Network
    • bind_asn_network_ip - Bind Asn Network Ip
  • Added property geoip_binding (object)

    Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured GeoIP location

    • no_binding - No Binding
    • bind_continent - Bind Continent
    • bind_continent_country - Bind Continent Country
    • bind_continent_country_city - Bind Continent Country City
  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Added property network_binding (object)

      Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured network

      • no_binding - No Binding
      • bind_asn - Bind Asn
      • bind_asn_network - Bind Asn Network
      • bind_asn_network_ip - Bind Asn Network Ip
    • Added property geoip_binding (object)

      Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured GeoIP location

      • no_binding - No Binding
      • bind_continent - Bind Continent
      • bind_continent_country - Bind Continent Country
      • bind_continent_country_city - Bind Continent Country City
    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/user_login/

Added: geoip_binding in query

Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured GeoIP location

  • no_binding - No Binding
  • bind_continent - Bind Continent
  • bind_continent_country - Bind Continent Country
  • bind_continent_country_city - Bind Continent Country City

Added: network_binding in query

Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured network

  • no_binding - No Binding
  • bind_asn - Bind Asn
  • bind_asn_network - Bind Asn Network
  • bind_asn_network_ip - Bind Asn Network Ip
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > UserLoginStage Serializer

      • Added property network_binding (object)

        Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured network

        • no_binding - No Binding
        • bind_asn - Bind Asn
        • bind_asn_network - Bind Asn Network
        • bind_asn_network_ip - Bind Asn Network Ip
      • Added property geoip_binding (object)

        Bind sessions created by this stage to the configured GeoIP location

        • no_binding - No Binding
        • bind_continent - Bind Continent
        • bind_continent_country - Bind Continent Country
        • bind_continent_country_city - Bind Continent Country City
      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/user_logout/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/user_logout/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > UserLogoutStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/user_write/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property flow_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

    • Changed property layout (string)
      • stacked - Stacked
      • content_left - Content Left
      • content_right - Content Right
      • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
      • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/user_write/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > UserWriteStage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
POST /stages/prompt/prompts/

Changed content type : application/json

  • Changed property promptstage_set (array)

    Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

    • Changed property flow_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

      • Changed property layout (string)
        • stacked - Stacked
        • content_left - Content Left
        • content_right - Content Right
        • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
        • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property promptstage_set (array)

      Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

      • Changed property flow_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

        • Changed property layout (string)
          • stacked - Stacked
          • content_left - Content Left
          • content_right - Content Right
          • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
          • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right
GET /stages/prompt/prompts/
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed content type : application/json

    • Changed property results (array)

      Changed items (object): > Prompt Serializer

      • Changed property promptstage_set (array)

        Changed items (object): > Stage Serializer

        • Changed property flow_set (array)

          Changed items (object): > Stripped down flow serializer

          • Changed property layout (string)
            • stacked - Stacked
            • content_left - Content Left
            • content_right - Content Right
            • sidebar_left - Sidebar Left
            • sidebar_right - Sidebar Right