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Integrate with MinIO

Support level: authentik

What is MinIO

MinIO is an Amazon S3 compatible object storage suite capable of handling structured and unstructured data including log files, artifacts, backups, container images, photos and videos. The current maximum supported object size is 5TB.



The following placeholders are used in this guide:

  • is the FQDN of the MinIO installation.
  • is the FQDN of the authentik installation.

This documentation lists only the settings that you need to change from their default values. Be aware that any changes other than those explicitly mentioned in this guide could cause issues accessing your application.

Mapping to MinIO policies

The primary way to manage access in MinIO is via policies. We need to configure authentik to return a list of which MinIO policies should be applied to a user.

Create a Scope Mapping: in the authentik Admin interface, navigate to Customization -> Property Mappings, click Create, and then select Scope Mapping. Give the property mapping a name like "OIDC-Scope-minio". Set the scope name to minio and the Expression to the following:

return {
"policy": "readwrite",

This mapping applies the default MinIO readwrite policy to all users. If you want to create a more granular mapping based on authentik groups, use an expression like this:

if ak_is_group_member(request.user, name="Minio admins"):
return {
"policy": "consoleAdmin",
elif ak_is_group_member(request.user, name="Minio users"):
return {
"policy": ["readonly", "my-custom-policy"]
return None

Note that you can assign multiple policies to a user by returning a list, and returning None will map no policies to the user, resulting in no access to the MinIO instance. For more information on writing expressions, see Expressions and User docs.

Creating application and provider

Create an application in authentik. Create an OAuth2/OpenID provider with the following parameters:

  • Client Type: Confidential
  • Scopes: OpenID, Email, Profile, and the scope you created above
  • Signing Key: Select any available key
  • Redirect URIs:

Set the scope of the MinIO scope mapping that you created in the provider (previous step) in the Advanced area under Protocol Settings -> Scopes.

Note the Client ID and Client Secret values. Create an application, using the provider you've created above. Note the slug of the application you've created.

MinIO configuration

You can set up OpenID in two different ways: via the web interface or the command line.

Web Interface

From the sidebar of the main page, go to Identity -> OpenID, click Create, and then define the configuration as follows:

  • Name: MinIO
  • Config URL:<minio slug>/.well-known/openid-configuration
  • Client ID: Your client ID from the previous step
  • Client Secret: Your client secret from the previous step
  • Scopes: openid, email, profile, minio
  • Redirect URI:

Finally, click Save and follow the instructions in the popup to restart your instance.

Command Line

You must install the MinIO binaries from here. You then need to create an alias for your instance using: mc alias set myminio <access key> <secret key>. You can follow this StackOverflow answer to create a secret key and access key.

After that is done, run the following command to configure the OpenID provider:

~ mc admin config set myminio identity_openid \
config_url="<minio slug>/.well-known/openid-configuration" \
client_id="<client id>" \
client_secret="<client secret>" \

The upstream MinIO docs on OIDC indicate that the client_secret (and thus confidential client type) are optional depending on provider. Experimentally with a single-node MinIO instance, the client secret was required and worked without further issue.